Hello! I am Karpo, a 24-year-old guy that's passionate about Video Games and Music - A LOT!
Video games has always been a big part of my life (I have been playing video games since I was 5 years old!).
If you're a big gamer like myself (or even if you're not) you know how much music is NECESSARY for video games.
Music is the thing that holds it all together, it is a key ingredient that you must have in any successful game.
It is something that the players playing your game will hear constantly and it will be the music they will love & cherish - as long as the music really fits the game perfectly, and that's where I become relevant.
I started writing and producing music professionally since 2015. I've wrote a lot of music as a stand-alone artist and as a member of a few bands, but I never relied on it being my main career.
After many years of trying to figure out what I should pursue, I've decided I wanted to get into the Video Game Music industry.
It is something that has always interested me, since I am a big music nerd and even a bigger gamer, as you already know!
If you'll work with me know that:
-I will work hard and diligently on making the best possible musical outcome for your game.
-Your project will be as important to me as it is to you, since I hold video games very dear to my heart and I want to make them right.
-I am friendly and always up to chat, you can always hit me up explaining your visions and/or meaning of the game.
You can tell me ALL the things you think is relevant for making the best outcome for your game, no matter how silly they might sound.
If you're passionate and believe in your game, and you're fond of my music and you want to work with me:
You can contact me right now about purchasing custom made music for your game!
Just press the 'Contact Me!' button and let's chat!

Don't have a budget for custom music?
No worries! Here are my music packs which are much cheaper!

A few years after I started playing guitar, I started taking my playing more seriously, I had started learning more technical songs and I also started writing music of my own (slowly, but surely) - inspired by the bands and genres I was listening to at the time.
When I started writing my own original music, I wanted it to have a full band arrangement (Drums, Bass Guitar, Rhythm & Lead Guitars and Vocals).
I had no idea how to write drum parts, or any parts except guitar for that matter.
So what I did was - I listened to the songs I liked the most and I had started writing the drum parts of those songs using only my hearing and my unlicensed Guitar Pro 6.
Little by little I had learnt how to read and write drum notation and I also learned what is the more common drum parts drummers play in that genre.
This is a good example of my skill of adapting to unfamiliar music genres.
I have a very diverse taste in music (I listen genres like: Metal, Pop, Indie, Rock, Trap, Synthwave and a lot more!), that might be why I like to compose in a lot of different genres and atmospheres.
When I compose music in a genre I don't have any experience with, of course it can be very challenging, but that's all the fun. That way, I learn new things and I expand my music composing toolbox, especially when composing Experimental Music.
With that said, I do have more hands-on experience with writing very heavy Metal Music and I definitely would love to write more!
Besides Metal Music, I have more experience with writing Rock, Indie and Rap (beats) Music.
Also, recently I've composed a good amount of Ambient, Orchestral, 8bit, Horror, Chill and Electronic Music which you can hear on my Indie Adventure Game Music Pack.
I'm sure there's a few genres I had missed, I am constantly expanding my sound.
I've started playing guitar more than 10 years ago, and I've started playing drums at about 2015.
I also play the Bass Guitar, Ukulele and I do vocals as well.
I have a lot of recording experience since I recorded a lot of Guitars, Bass, Ukulele and Vocals on my solo music, and I also recorded drums on three albums of my bands, and even a few Guitar & Bass parts here and there even though I was the drummer.
Along the years I've learnt A LOT about music's more 'technical' sides:
-How to read Sheet Music.
-How Time Signatures work and, more importantly - how to use and implement them in music for making certain parts have a specific feel and have an interesting rhythm.
-How to use DAWs.
-What is Mixing and Mastering and also how to mix and master.
-A lot more.
Personally, everything that is rhythm related is my cup of tea, I can talk about it for hours, and I will always analyze every song that I'm hearing's rhythm and time signatures, especially when it is weird and complex.
Favorite Video Games And Soundtracks
The game I've played the most has to be World of Warcraft by far, no doubt about it.
I've started playing WoW when I was 7 years old and it just enchanted me, a whole wide world that is alive that you can explore, lots of different races and classes, there's just so many things you can do and I loved every bit of it.
I still play it on and off to this day.
WoW will remain forever one of the most iconic games to me and I will always cherish it.
The first ever video game I played was Maplestory which was an incredible game (incredible is an understatement), unfortunately I feel like they've ruined it a few years back and since then I don't play it as much.
I could talk all day long about the games I love, but instead I'll make a little list of my all-time favorite games:
- World of Warcraft
- Maplestory
- Killing Floor
- Mafia II
- Counter-Strike: Source
Honorable Mentions:
- Assassins Creed II + Brotherhood + Revelations
- Bulletstorm
- Shank 1 + 2
- Dota 2
- Magicka
The Soundtracks I love the most are of these games:
- Killing Floor
- Risk of Rain 2
- World of Warcraft
- Heroes of Might and Magic® III
- Terraria
- Hotline Miami 1 + 2
- Maplestory
- Outcore


Before I decided to be a game composer I actually was aiming to be a programmer.
I graduated a python course with distinction some time ago, I even started working on little game projects of my own with Python.
I had big plans for those games but unfortunately I had always stopped working on them at a certain point.
Coding interested me a lot, but it also was a big effort to me, It was a struggle.
I had to constantly take breaks from coding and it seemed like maybe it wasn't the right fit for me, even though it felt like I had a lot of potential and it did interest me a lot.
Eventually after two years of trying to finish projects for my portfolio (none finished) and searching for a job, I gave up.
For some reason at the same day I gave up on coding I had started investigating a bit about Video Game Music Composing, and from that day 100% of my mind and effort were invested onto being a Video Game Music Composer.
I still dabble with coding from time to time when I need a very simple task to be done, and coding can make it much easier.
Also, I might upload some day a little text-adventure game I kind of finished to itch.io, and who knows? maybe I'll start working on a few little games in the future.
On top of coding, I also know how to how to do Diabolo Juggling, which is very fun.
I also like writing short nonsense stories, I might release a little book someday, hopefully!